Archiv der Kategorie: Indien

Flug von Mumbai über Bangkok nach Indien

Am Flughafen Mumbai angekommen besaßen wir erstmal kein Bargeld mehr (vielen Dank an den Taxifahrer, der mit Taxameter mindestens zwei Schleifen gefahren ist). Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

India to Laos – We finally arrived

For a horrendous sum of money we fled India, stopped shortly in Bangkok and finally arrive at our destination: Laos’ capital Vientiane. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Indien-Gorakphur nach Mumbai

In Gorakphur angekommen war die erste Aufgabe zum Bahnhof zu gehen und zu schauen, wo man ein Ticket bekommen könnte. Da überall Schalter waren haben wir uns darüber keine Sorgen gemacht. Das Problem war eher der Mangel an Geld und bis jetzt kein Geldautomat und die Suche nach einem Zimmer für eine Nacht. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

India by train

Here our experience with Indian trains and how to get a ticket.

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Gorakhpur – We’re leaving

Tired, sweaty and dirty (our backpacks were twice as dirty coming of the bus than they had been before) we arrived in Gorakphur at the station. Even though the guide book was rather discouraging we decided on going there and getting a train ticket (the full details on how we got the train tickets can be found here). Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Über die Grenze nach Indien

Nach dem Entschluss über die Grenze nach Indien zu reisen mussten wir nur noch nach Sunauli. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Nepal to India – Big chaos

Crossing the border from Nepal into India was one big adventure. We started out at Lumbini were we took the local bus to Bhaiwara (4km away from the border). Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Kathmandu – How to get an Indian visa

We had heard and read a lot about the process of obtaining an Indian visa in Kathmandu. On the internet there are heaps of stories telling you you have to bribe somebody to get one and even at our guest house they said it would be “very difficult” but they would be happy to help us for a little extra money (because they knew somebody who knew somebody working there and for a little extra we would get our Visa without any problems). We, at least, managed to  get the visa without bribing anybody and it only took patients (albeit rather a lot of it, but more due to other travelers than anything else). Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags